Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Part Two - did you lose a dog?

Once we all finished cooing and petting the little dog (who kind of smelled) we noticed a house across the street with a huge fence and we could see someone inside the fence moving an arbor around. At least we thought there was someone there, all we could see was the rounded top of an arbor kind of moving around the yard. What luck! a neighbor!

Karen and I strode over, calling our hellos over the fence and asking if they had a dog. 'Sure we do', and sure enough they held up a little while scruffy thing, that kind of looked like the white version of the found dog. But no, after we held ours up, they did not recognize our little guy. With no one else in sight we decided to head back to the cars.

After hiking the 20 minutes or so back along Fish Creek to our start point and our cars, the little dog is still in my arms - not struggling or jumping to get down. I have several offers by others to carry him, but he's kind of cute, in a greasy, gnarly way and his heart is back to a normal beat, better to just let him be, so we trudge on.

Once at the cars I realize it is after 5 and Dr. Corps is worried I make it to the vet's office on time, so I am excused, while the others finish wrap-up conversations about the project. The plan, as we conceived it on our trek back, is to head to my veterinarian's office so I can have them scan the dog for a microchip.

I plan to drive back down the street where we found the little dog. Surely there will be someone calling, 'Scruffy!'or maybe 'Rex' or something. He must be missed by now.

Once on Northwood Street the only person I see is a young boy around the corner from where we found the dog, sitting on the curb. Now that is not a normal occurrence anymore, folks just don't sit on curbs, especially next to a busy street.

Dang, that kid must have lost his dog! So I take the corner rolling down my window, until I am in front of him, 'Hey, did you lose a dog?'

The kid looks at me, his face surprised - oh crap I have just done the 'what every mom tells their kids about thing' - the stranger coming up and talking about a lost dog. oops!

Before I can hold up the dog, who is quite comfortably seated in my lap, as evidence that NO, I am not a kidnapper, the kid stands and walks the other way.

'Nope.' he calls over his shoulder.

Okay, so I tried. Off to the vets.

Part three later.....

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